Saturday, July 25, 2009

Slip N' Slide

I am desperately needing to get caught up on my blog, so this post is going back to the end of May for the combined birthday party of Carter's friends Oliver and Allie. Oliver received a Slip N' Slide for his birthday so we decided to put it straight to use. The kids were really funny at first and just wanted to run down it or along the side of it. But once they got the hang of it, it was a huge blast. Carter really got into it and couldn't get his legs to run fast enough to get back to the front of the line. I say front of the line because he refused to wait behind anyone, he was next no matter what. I don't know if it is a good or bad thing that his friends allow Carter to get away with so much.

Carter's tongue is hanging out, just like his Daddy.

What was hilarious is when the Dad's felt they had to get involved and see who could throw their kid down the hardest and make them go the farthest. So we had kids flying out of the end pool and skidding across the grass. But none of the kids who did it seemed to mind.

This was pretty funny. As you can the Oliver's house is on a corner lot and the front of their yard in on a "busier" street. Some driver came by and yelled out his window that there was a naked child in the front. Yeah, that was my kid and not only that but when I got closer I saw that he had taken off his poopy diaper and had sat in some grass. You can't really see the poop and grass in this picture, but Heather said it Carter gave a whole knew meaning to "gracias" / "Grassy- A.." I thought it was pretty funny anyways.


Becky T said...

That 3rd picture down from the top is PRICELESS! Absolutely sums up summer for a kid, I love it! And looks like Carter is following after his old man with his pooping issues, eh? ha ha. Love the story, love the pictures--aren't boys entertaining?!

Sylwia said...

what a cute boy! sorry about all of your poop dealings. that's how my daughter is, always naked and pooping in the most inconvenient places!

Jess said...

That is so funny! I want to see the pictures from your birthday where Matt goes down the slip-N slide! I love what Heather said too! Haha Gotta love it!

Amanda Wilson said...

That is hilarious!! I love it!

kdance said...

So fun! I love slip'n slides. What a little streaker! He's like Evan, who loves to be naked. That cracks me up!

Alison said...

The last picture is freakin' (or streakin') hilarious!!!