Monday, July 11, 2011

It's a girl!! (We think.)

And the balance of power in our household shifts to the Women!! Girl #2, child #3 is due to arrive on December 6th. Though this child came as a great surprise, given our past history, we are super duper excited!!

This little one was not about to cooperate for the ultra sound (let's hope this is not a foreshadowing of what's to be). She spent most of the time on her belly hiding all the things the technician needed to get pictures of and hiding her gender parts. We did get one shot though that makes us pretty confident it's a girl, but this is definitely the most unsure we've been of the sex of our child. Carter and Hayden were pretty clear.

Here is the important pictures for our family: the feet.

This video shows the baby's profile:


Heitmann Family said...

congrats you guys!! That is way exciting!

Alison said...

Congrats!! I had no idea! We are so excited for you guys! Alison C.

Amanda Wilson said...

Congratulations! I am due the same day. So fun!

McAffee said...

Awwwww man NOW it seems real to me! Seeing those little feet and it's profile all curled up. So exciting - can't wait to know for sure on the boy/girl thing. Will you be getting another u/s?