Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

 Friday, December 14, 2012

Carter is getting to the point where it can be tricky to get him to take a bath or a shower.  This particular morning it was obvious that a shower was needed and we were on a deadline to be able to catch the bus by 8:16.  It became clear the only way I was getting him cleaned up was by making it enticing.  Bubbles in my jacuzzi tub did the trick.
 The bubbles were as high as they could get before spilling out of the tub, and for some crazy reason when they built our house they put carpet in our bathroom. So when you get out of our bath or our shower if you do not have a mat down you would step straight on to carpet! Strange I know! One of the many puzzles of this house. Luckily, the little room with the toilet is not carpeted!! Needless to say, we did not want bubbles spilling over onto carpet.

 But I digress... The whole purpose of this post is to show and help remind me in years to come that every once in a while I can do a fun spontaneous thing - not as often as I would like. And to show and help remind me of the cute kids I had when they were on the brink of turning 6 and 3. What cheeky little rascals they are - Hayden and I watched some Peppa Pig this morning together as she was throwing up for the umpteenth time.

 Darling - British cartoon coming out once again.

 Carter was really working it for the camera and kept moving from pose to pose.

These quick, little moments I am pretty sure are the special things in life.  I want to cherish them more.  I want to live for them and IN THEM more.  I am one that has a tendency to rush life by - to hurry along to get to the next thing. But there will be no next life here on this earth. There will be no next time to raise my babies.  This is something I have always struggled with!! How do I slow down? How do I find more joy in the little bits of the journey? I really did love this morning - this 15 minutes. I loved being able to snap pictures of them and laugh with them and really enjoy them. I need this more, I want this more!! I LOVE my children!!

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