So this picture was taken at the very beginning of January when my baby girl was still so tiny. She started out at 5 lbs 9 oz (2%) and 18 inches as of two days ago Jan. 26
th she is now 8 lbs 4 oz (20%) and 21 1/2 inches (50%). What gets me about this picture is her
onesie. It was one of the smallest ones we had and fit her the best. Now this onesie fits her a little on the tight side. Man, she is growing so fast!!a

This is Hank our snowman, named by Carter.

One night Carter fell asleep in the car and this is how he slept for at least the first half of the night.

Carter was set on eating his lunch like this one afternoon. He was not successful.

This pic is still from the beginning of January. This is Hayden with her buddy who was born only
8 days before Hayden. He looks like he could eat her. He is such an adorable kid and has been gaining weight like crazy too. He is now 6 weeks and over 13 lbs.

We had the joy of having Grandma Bonnie come for 10 days at the beg. of Jan. She is such a great buddy to Carter. She made this awesome track and they played for hours with it.

It is such a trip for me to look back at these pictures even though it has only been a few weeks and see how she has grown and changed already. Here Hayden is in a premie outfit I got from my sister. There is no way she could fit in that now.

Carter is OBSESSED with his blankies. He has his blue blankie (the blue and white checked one), his white blankie and his train blankie. They go just about everywhere with him.

I thought she looked so funny in a cute way in this hat.

I love those cheeks of his.

Grandma Bon in grandkid heaven.

Her hair is darker and thicker in this picture than it is now. She looks so darling in this little outfit. Plus, you can already see her filling out more from the pictures above.

Precious, just precious!!
She LITERALLY has her daddy wrapped around her little fingers.