P.S. If you notice in the top picture one of Carter's Binkies no longer has it's "top" on. Christmas Eve while we were trying to do the spiritual part of Christmas, Carter who is still waiting to find religion was horsing around and tripped over his newly walking legs and smashed face first into the corner of the coffee table. Luckily, the binki saved the day and took the brunt of the hit thus no "top" of the binki.
That is so cute... He has such a personality! It makes me want to have a baby, not for a while though. lol
So funny! Why not try 3 in the mouth??? I wish Evan took a binki. He just decided to quit, cold-turkey a few months ago.
Carter is such a little handsome dan. He's going to be the ladies man when he grows up. What a cutie!
That makes me laugh! Sam did the double, sometime triple binki thing when the new baby came along. She never took a binki until the new baby and we'd be at the store and she scream and cry until I let her have all 3 in her mouth. Silly kids...
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