(This post is not for the squeamish.)
Starting on Tuesday 2-28 Carter woke up in the early morning hours with the stomach flu. He has never acted that sick before. He layed in my arms all day long. He didn't want me to read to him or anything. He would try to walk, take two steps and fall to the ground. We layed around all day and watched shows. Thank goodness for satellite with 2 Nick channels, 2 Disney channels, Noggin and DVR! Wed. morning Carter woke up super cute and happy, but still with diarrhea. Thursday Carter woke up just as bad as he was on Tuesday. He couldn't hold down any fluid. Around 4:00pm when Carter threw up and was crying but no tears came I decided it was time to call the doctor to see if he had any tips for me on how to keep fluids inside him. After giving his status, the nurse told us to take him right away to the Children's Hospital. So Matt (he had just walked in the door), Carter, and I grabbed some stuff to get through the hours of wait time at the ER and took off.While in the waiting room, Carter chomped on a few ice chips and started to perk up a bit. We figured it was the end of the day and Carter's body was already healing itself. We were feeling like idiots showing up at the ER and having the Doctor tell us, yep your child has the stomach flu, nothin we can do for ya. Matt and I have never been the parents to be overly cautious and take our kid in the doctors quickly. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just not our style. So we decided we should just pack up and leave before we pay out our $75 dollars to be sent home with our child who was hardly sick anymore. But as we were walking out the door, Carter's name was called and we decided what the heck, let's just go.
The video below i think is pretty funny. He woke up from his night sleep asking where his friend went? I said he must have been dreaming. He said, "Oh yes, dreaming." Then he told me he also dreamed about water and juice. He must have been a pretty thirsty boy!
One more thing I wanted to add, the doctors came and rounded on him shortly after I took this video. As you can see he was a pretty chipper kid. He had just finished watching Mickey Mouse Playhouse. While the doctors were talking to Matt and I, Carter busted into the "Hot Dog" song and the doctors laughed and said what is a kid like that doing in the hospital. Later on that day when they told us they were going to let us go (we were worried they might not because his diarrhea was still really bad) they said a kid who sings the "Hot Dog" song in the hospital really shouldn't have to be in the hospital so I really think that is what pushed the doctors over the edge into letting us go home. Thank goodness I have a spunky kid because I don't think I could have taken another night in there. More than that, thank goodness for modern day medicine and for the priesthood and that my husband is worthy and able to give my son and myself blessings. My family continually is blessed by Heavenly Father's tender mercies and I am so thankful to Him and His Son Jesus Christ.