Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thanks to the man at the airport!

After reading the above entry I think everyone gets the picture of how awful the flight home was. Well, after landing on the ground here in Pittsburgh I had one of those little “talks” with Heavenly Father telling him how nice it would be if someone I knew like Emily Child just happened to be walking through the airport and could help me home. At this point I had absolutely zero energy, zero food in my body, a 24 lb baby in a Baby Bjorn, a heavy backpack on, a heavy diaper bag swung over a shoulder, and I was heading over to baggage claim to get two more large pieces of luggage. I also had to somehow get to a shuttle to get to my car parked in extended parking. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. After I got my luggage and was walking up to the shuttle stop a nice man walked up to me and said, “You look like you could use some help.” Then once we got on the shuttle he heard me say I needed to stop at shelter 11 and he said what a coincidence that was his stop, too. So then he helped get all my stuff off the shuttle and said to me, “You know what coincidences are don’t you? They are God being anonymous.” And like that he was gone. It took a second after he said that for it to sink in that he was my answer to my prayer. How blind I had been!! Here was God helping this whole time right in front of my face and I didn’t even realize it because he wasn’t Emily Child. How many times does God help me every day in such an obvious way and I don’t realize it because someone doesn’t practically slap me in the face and say I am that miracle you were praying for. So, thank you kind man at the airport who was living his life right to be a servant of God. I pray I can return the miracle to someone else someday.

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