Monday, February 4, 2008

Loving Baby Sign Language!!!

We just entered the world and baby sign language and am LOVING it!!!! We've been trying off and on for some time now and Carter just the other day signed "more." AHHHH, it is heaven! He associates more with wanting food or drink because as he would be eating we would sign to him if he wanted more food or more drink. So know whenever he is hungry or thirsty he signs more and then darts off to the kitchen, or if we are shopping he just looks at me and signs more. I know right away exactly what he wants!! I can not believe the way this small act has revolutionized my life. He too is so happy and proud of himself. It is written all over his face that he thinks he is a big boy because he can now clearly communicate with mom and dad. Just this morning after he woke up I fed him his morning bottle and then he threw it to the side and signed "more" and off we were to the kitchen to get him some food and he was as happy as could be. I can't wait to start him on some more signs. Now that he has one I am hopeful he will quickly pick up more. Hurray for sign language!!


Scott, Kara, Paul, Brad and Andee said...

My Mom has taught my nephew sign language since he was about 6 months old. He knows a lot and my Mom actually teaches it at my sisters school. Its amazing how much this 2 year old boy (my nephew) knows and can say already.

Mark, Holly and Boys said...

Wahoo for baby signing! We have LOVED it too. Makes communicating so much, studies show it increases your baby's IQ too. So, there's a bonus for you! :)

Alison said...

I've been real wish-washy about signing. I actually took quite a few classes in high school, but haven't been very consistant. You are encouraging me to do better :)

kdance said...

What a genious! I've been trying to teach Evan some sign over the past few months, but he hasn't caught on yet. Did you just barely start signing, or have you been trying for a while?

Cook Family said...

I love signing too! Lucy has things a little messed up. She says please but signs milk so I think she thinks that milk is the sign for please. Oh well it's still nice to take the guessing out of a few things.

Mark, Holly and Boys said...

Hey, Amber - I was thinking about this you use "Signing Time" videos? If not, give a look - we've loved their stuff (created by a mom in Utah who has a deaf daughter) If you click on About Us there's an intro video too. We haven't tried the baby ones, we always just used the regular ones, but with all the kids & music Noah loved them. You can click on the video to see what signs it covers, so even if you just have a couple of videos the repetition (if it doesn't drive you nuts) of seeing the same video helps them learn the signs fast anyway. Mark's mom used them with her job working for the Utah school for the deaf & blind. Sorry for the long post...

THE BEAN FAMILY : aaron,candace,ashlyn,alysse, and macey said...

We started a little late but I have been doing it with alysse and she loves it too. it is amazing what they can pick up by themselves, and it is way too cute to see them actually doing the signs!!!

THE BEAN FAMILY : aaron,candace,ashlyn,alysse, and macey said...

Alysse loves singing time too. I dont know about there but in michigan it is on public tv at around 5pm. And alysse loves the music and they repeat the signs several times so she always comes away with something new.

THE BEAN FAMILY : aaron,candace,ashlyn,alysse, and macey said...

I meant "signing time" sorry