On this particular day I had some gardening that I had to get done. Our vegtable garden that we planted in our front yard ( I know it's little bit WT, but if you saw our front "yard" you'd understand) was being overtaken by weeds and my family was coming into town. It had been raining all week so I decided what the heck rain or shine (seeing as Carter loves the rain) I am weeding that garden. So these are Carter's after shots. He loved the rain and mud!
I also had an old boyfriend come into town. We met in London as we were both in the same study abroad group. Anyway, we have stayed friends over the years and just attended his wedding last February. His wife is adorable and I am so excited for the two of them. They live in Columbus, OH and came out this way for a Triathalon. They stayed over night and it was so fun. Matt is not a fan of my x-boyfriends but he really likes this guy a lot. It was sure fun to get to know his wife and to get to know them as a couple. We wish them the best and are excited to hangout with them again. While they were out, we did a few Pittsburgh things including going to the top of the Duquesne Incline to get a fantastic view of down town Pittsburgh. For some reason we didn't get pictures of all of us just our little family.
Awh, Matt is a good sport. I'm not sure Jeff would agree to an ex coming for a visit...no, really that is cool you are all friends :) Carter looks adorable in those "muddy" pictures.
What? Matt loves ALL you ex's.
I love the fact that you let Carter play in the rain. I think it looks like a ton of fun! And we are soooo bummed that there's not a picture of the "ex" on here. Dang. Oh well, you guys look pretty good I guess... :)
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