L- R: Linus, Carter, Caleb, Oliver, Elizabeth and Alli
The breaking of the pinata. Normally once a pinata breaks the kids go diving into the loot to grab as much as they can before another kid stakes his claim. But not our bunch. They were making sure that each kid got a bouncy ball, a squirt gun, some candy, etc. Yes, even Carter was this way, shocker I know!
Richy as always is meeting the kids demands, at this point it was all about being pulled around in the wagon. What a great guy he is. So here I go sentimental again. I think it has to do that Richy has been around my family about as long as I have, since he and my brother have been buddies since elementary school, but from the day we made that connection I have felt like Richy was more of an older brother to me than just a friend. I have a great respect for Richy as a husband, father and just for the person that he is.
Hayden in her party dress. {Bragging Warning} I just think she is so stinkin cute and beautiful. I love her expressive eyes and her big, flirty smile. I just can't get over how awesome she is!
Apparently, I am not the only one that thinks she's totally awesome. Evan couldn't keep his hands off of her all night. :)
But, at the same time, Daddy couldn't either. I love this picture. (BTW, thanks to my buddies for sharing all of your great pictures with me.)
This is one of Hayden's favorite games. It promises great smiles and laughs.
Hayden and her boys: Evan (8 days older than Hayden and 5 months), Hayden ( 1 day short of 5 months), and Callum (3 weeks younger and 4 months)
Our resident crew just chillin. These times when we just hang out and "chill" are my favorites. We end up just laughing and having a blast. Allison, Me, Matt, Dan, and Shelly with Sydney on her lap.

To top it all off at the end of the day we had a balloon popping war. You tie a small balloon to your ankle and then try to stomp on each other's balloons to pop them and be the last one standing. Richy won. Matt, Heather, Me, Allison, Justin, Jake and Richy.
Amber, I'm going to cry. Though I've never voiced it, I've kinda felt like you were my little sister too. We're really going to miss you guys. (Thanks for all the other mushy comments - do you charge a PR fee?)
PS Hey this is Marie. Don't tell Richy that I'm the one that paid you off for all the nice comments. (I figured an ego boost would be a nice Father's Day present for him.)
Great post. I'm glad that you have had such great friends back there. Even if it makes it harder to leave. Hayden's cheeks are killing me!!! I just want to smooch 'em! Can't wait to see you guys!
Hayden doesn't look so small with those boys anymore!! Woo hoo Hayden!
So stinkin cute!! I love the pic of her and Matt!
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