Monday we drove to Kirtland, OH. As you can see from the picture below with us in front of the Kirtland temple it was pretty cold still with a bunch of snow on the ground. Much of the Kirtland I had seen before during the summer time was closed down, but the little replica town of Kirtland was still open and has such a powerful spirit about it.
On Good Friday we went to the strip district where Pittsburgh's fresh fish comes in. There were a lot of Catholics out and about buying their fish. Plus a bunch of street vendors and fresh fruit. Then we went to The Children's Museum where Carter loves to play with the train table, rice table, and water tables. Grandma is an excellent playmate as well. In the afternoon while Carter was sawing logs, the 3 women went to Pittsburgh's Botanical Garden, Phipps Conservatory. It is a very beautiful place and a great pick-me-up during a gloomy winter/spring.
We did a few loads of laundry and Carter loves to give a helping hand. But he definitely has a thing for Auntie's Panties!
The Saturday before Easter the girls decorated Easter eggs in the morning and Carter got to search them out in the afternoon. In the middle of his hunt it started to snow on us! Bummer. We had made such fun plans to do on this afternoon, but because of the freezing, soggy weather all we could do was a quick backyard egg hunt.
The Easter stash! Though not included is the other Grandma's package: Scripture Scouts (these are the coolest tapes-now CDs that I grew up on, anyone else grow up on them?), little "nerf" gun, and more candy!

We tried to get an Easter Family picture but Carter is at an age where sitting still for a picture is pretty impossible. He has to be on the move.
No matter what our "formal" activity was, I personally thought the most fun was just being able to hang out together. Oh yeah, and finally be able to watch American Idol all in person so we didn't have to call each other during commerical break. Carter loved having his Aunts (Carrie is an honorary aunt) and Grandma out to play, laugh, snuggle, and just give him more attention than mom can. They left early Monday morning and when Carter woke up one of the first things he did was scoot down to the basement to play with his buddies, but alas they were not there and he just wandered around trying to figure out where they had gone. Thanks for coming guys!! We love you so much!!!!
Ahem...I don't know what you're talking about with that reference, missy. :)
I love all the pictures. It looks like you guys had a great time. That is so fun that they could come for a visit, even though it was cold!!! I'm sure Carter was loving having them there. That Childrens Museum looks so fun the picture of you and Matt is GREAT! Awwww! Looks like some good times, for sure!
Oh yeah, and could you ship me some of that fruit pizza? It looks DIVINE! Yummmmmy!
Can you say Lexus? Porche? Wow, you guys are giving Carter the nice cars. We have only given Evan the nissan and Kia car sets.
So they say kids learn by example...have you ever actually watched Matt unload the dryer?
Sounds like a FUN spring break even if it was cold! Carter looks like an adorable and busy little boy! He's gotten so big since the last time I saw him...obviously babies do that!
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