This video is when Carter about died and went to heaven, a UPS truck got stuck right in front of our house. The whole time I was getting him in his snow clothes as quick as I could, he kept yelling out the front door, "Wait for me truck, wait for me!!"
Valentines Day. I wanted to get a picture because we looked so cute and holiday coordinated. Our favorite Valentine was sleeping but I snagged a picture of her when she woke up. So I have to be silly and point out I had a really cute red skirt on, too.
This is Hayden with her chunky buddy Evan that is only 8 days older than she.
So the other day we were at Carter's buddy's house and he came down the stairs crying, "I don't want to be in handcuffs." And then that night we had this conversation:
This is one of those videos that is probably just for Grandmas and Grandpas and siblings from far away. I remember seeing videos of this sort for some of my friends kids and thinking, boring! And these videos are kind of boring except for flesh and blood that ache to see anything and everything about her. So for those interested here you go, there will probably be a fair amount of these:
We recently went to the Science Center (I LOVE our science center here) and they just opened this Sports Works where you learn about the science of sports and athletics. Carter loved this racing part. He was very intense about it. I was trying to get his picture, but apparently I was taking away his focus because he was yelling at me, "Don't take my picture, Mom!"
The Race: I love this picture because a) this water section is his favorite part of the whole Science Center. He could play for hours here. It has been a long time since we have been here and it was so cool to see how he has grown up. His play was so much more methodical and well thought out. You could see the wheels turning in his head. b) my favorite thing about this picture is his tongue. I don't know how many times I have seen Matt's tongue in this same position. Father like son Big Time!
About an hour outside of Pittsburgh is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's famous houses he designed: Falling Water. At the Science Center they have an awesome model railway of Western Pennsylvania and the newest addition is Falling Water. It looks just like it!!
I had my precious Angel in my Moby wrap (I HIGHLY recommend this wrap) and I LOVED having her right there against my chest snuggled up to me. She is so precious!
Since Carter could walk he has loved pushing around trucks like this. i know this picture is bleary, but it warms my heart to see him doing what he loves.
This picture was taken in December with Matt's co-resident spouses. All spouses of the residents were pregnant at the same time except for two. We are missing one lady who would be second from the last.
This is us just a week ago. The first three babies are within an 8 day span and then between Hayden and the next baby boy there is 3 1/2 weeks. The next lady is due in May and then June.
What a great post sweetheart! I love those pics of Carter at the science center, he looks so grown up. It's so awesome to see your pics of Hayden too. She's so precious. Thanks for giving me 2 wonderful kids and so much joy in life with you. I love you!!
So sweet! Love all the new pictures! That is awesome about the "parking chair"! Your science center looks like a lot of fun. Glad to see you guys are doing good! Miss you!
love the pictures!
LOVE Falling Water!!
I thought that the parking chair was HYSTERICAL!!!!
Love! Love! Love this post!
That chair thing is PURE GENIUS!!! Truly, I'm impressed. I have a lot more respect for "the chair" after reading this. Hilarious!
I can't believe how big Hayden is already. And I can't believe how much bigger she will be before we get to meet her. The curls kill me! And I love hearing her on the video. So darn cute! I miss those new baby noises.
You guys may have a track star on you hands. And he knows a distraction when he sees it (the camera). I love it!
I was going to dress everyone all cute and Valentiney but then realized that my wardrobe sucks. So I aborted the plan. But you all looked very nice and festive!
Great update. Thanks!
That is absolutely hilarious about the parking chair. I had no idea! Loved the pregnancy pictures of all the residents wives too...funny! And pretty fun for all of you!
Loved ALL of the things you posted!!!! Just wish I was there to share it all with you. The chair is so HILARIOUS!!!! Carter is so cute in wanting to help everyone dig out!! And that baby girl is so beautiful!!!!!! I don't think June is coming fast enough!!!!
Ok, I loved this entire post. But seriously, the parking chair is HI---LARIOUS!! That is awesome and makes me laugh because I could so see it happening here if we ever got snow. Honestly, that's great and I'm so glad you took the time to document it!!!
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