We had a whimsical Halloween this year with a Dragon and a Fairy at our house. I feel bad that we didn't get better pictures, but we were kind of rushed and with an active three yr old and a 10 month old who wants to be on the move, we were lucky to get one or two pictures that weren't a blur.

The Dragon doing the robot.

Our Fairy thought she would get her read on before trick or treating.

Grandma Bonnie made the kids these cute ghosts stuffed with goodies.

This was our neighborhood posse that we went trick or treating with, the crazy thing is this picture left out 3 of the kids. Carter was the most die hard and stayed out the very longest. He hit up two neighborhood haunted houses (they were pretty legit, I only went to one, but it was pretty scary!) and was out close to 2 1/2 hours and filled 3/4 of two pumpkins (between trunk or treating and trick or treating). Not a bad haul for a 3 yr old.

Oct 30
th was our trunk or treat at the church, these are our buddies we carved pumpkins with and they had on my favorite costumes of the evening.

Grandma and Fairy Hayden at the church.
So cute! Oh how I love Halloween.
Oh, looks like you guys had such a fun Halloween time! What a fun evening of carving pumpkins and eating "spooky food." Everything looks awesome. What a fun tradition. Your kids will look forward to that every year. The son of one of our good friends was bummed a couple years ago because they do stuff on Christmas Eve but Halloween was his favorite holiday. So now their family does a big Halloween Eve celebration. It's totally cute. That's kind of what your Halloween FHE tradition reminds me of. So fun.
And Hayden and Carter look awesome in their costumes. And seriously, between trick-or-treating at Dan's work, trunk-or-treating and neighborhood trick-or-treating, we come away with tons of candy. I usually end up putting it all in the "give away to trick-or-treaters" bowl and just start handing out handfuls.
I'm glad that you had a good time. Love you guys.
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