Carter's preschool class went on a field trip to this adorable apple orchard. They did the same thing last year, but because I was watching my nephew I couldn't go. So this year, Carter did not want Hayden and I to go. I think he enjoyed feeling grown up and independent last year doing it all on his own. But finally the night before while he was in the bath, I asked him one last time if he'd allow us to go and he said he would. He knew Hayden would really like to feed the chickens so he supposed we could go. And I am so GRATEFUL that we did, it was just one of those perfect afternoons with my kids. We made some great memories and became closer. It was just one of those times where being a Mommy is the best thing in the world.
We got to feed chickens. They were running all around us and we got to immerse ourselves in them and it was so fun to see the excitement in the kids.
Farmer Hayden.
Isn't this picture just precious!?! We were listening about bees, their community, and how they make honey. How is she growing up so fast? It brings tears to my eyes.
They had so many cool places to take pictures. I just wish I had a better camera and more skill. Hayden just kept putting herself in places that would make the most perfect picture.
Carter still looks so cute even though the picture is blurry. Who would have thought it is just as difficult to get a picture of a 4 yr old as it is a 1 1/2 yr old?
Our beautiful, green Midwest. I miss the mountains from home very much. But there are things that I do love about living in America's heartland.
The giggles.
Hayden is talking all the time now. Whether it is understandable or not, she always has something to say!!
About to start our tractor ride.
The three of us, or should I say the four of us? Oh I am so glad I am feeling better!! It has taken a while to feel totally human, still have some issues, but I am feeling so much more capable these days!
Wow, just look at her! She is so much stinkin fun! She can be sassy as all get out, but she really is a sweetheart. I look at her and think how crazy I was that I didn't think I wanted a little girl. How many wonderful things I would have missed out on! So many people told me that, how I would change and I just wasn't sure. Well, Heavenly Father knew and he gave me one of the greatest blessings I could have ever asked for!! She is so precious and tender and 100% girl and I love it! But she can growl better than most boys I know!
Thanks baby girl for choosing to come to our family and to add so much happiness to our lives!
Carter is such a fantastic big brother. Here is planting a big, fat kiss on his sister. It's so fun to see these two together.
Feeding baby goats.
This was our favorite part I think. We each got to take a turn holding a baby kitten. Hayden and Carter were so soft and gentle with them. I like cats but have never wanted to have one as a pet, despite Matt's pleadings. This got me really, really close. Then we drove away and sense came back to me. :)
I love the tenderness in Carter's face!
And for the reason we all came, to pick apples. This was one area that Carter had strict stipulations on agreeing to allow Hayden and I to come, they were: 1. let him ride the bus all by himself 2. he got to eat lunch by himself with his buddies 3. he wanted to pick the apples all by himself, I was only allowed to take pictures of him, but in no way help him choose or pick the apples!!
Hayden got to pick apples, too.
Hayden and I picking an apple.
Hayden is all about wearing a purse everywhere she goes, so it's no surprise that her apple bag turned into her purse. This is how she wears her purse, with her arm up like that.
All the kids accomplished the reason they came, now it's off to play on the playground then back on the bus to go home. What a fun, fun time!!
I will post some videos I took below.
This is the way Hayden talks to all cats, whether real, in a book or stuffed. I don't know if this cutsie voice is her being cute to them or her version of a meow, but I think it is adorable:
And a quick video of Hayden holding the kitten, so cute!!
Oh my goodness! Your kids have gotten so big! I seriously LOVE Hayden she is the cutest thing ever!! We sure miss you guys! Hope you all are doing well!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! Your kids have gotten so big! I seriously LOVE Hayden she is the cutest thing ever!! We sure miss you guys! Hope you all are doing well!
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