Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Jay gave a Hayden a walker for her Birthday. But because Hayden was getting antsy to walk and was pushing anything around that she could, Grandma gave it to Hayden around Thanksgiving. We got a couple cute videos of her learning how to use her walker:
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Never too Late for November
Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Jay gave a Hayden a walker for her Birthday. But because Hayden was getting antsy to walk and was pushing anything around that she could, Grandma gave it to Hayden around Thanksgiving. We got a couple cute videos of her learning how to use her walker:
Up to Date in December
At the beginning of the month we had our Iowa Family (not related by blood, but related for all the reasons that count) come to visit us. It's so nice that we have returned to the Midwest so that we can see some of our long lost friends again.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010
Everyone showing off their FOOTY PJs, though Matt's are not new to him or this blog. His PJs come out from the dark where they belong here and there. Whitters PJs are complete with butt flap as you can see down below. But I LOVE all these cutie putooties in this picture above.
And those pants would be Matt's new "pjs." And no I have no idea what he is doing and what's going through his mind, but he posed, I snapped and the rest is history.
Santa, though it was touch and go for a while, did indeed come to our house this year. Jay, Bon and Whit came to our house Christmas morning to open gifts so we have their presents under our tree too, except for those that Santa brought to their house.
This Hummer was the big gift Santa brought this year. It is still a puzzle on how he fit it in his bag and through the chimney.
"I love Christmas!" Carter decided to sleep in till 9am on Christmas morning so I snapped a few pictures of Hayden while we were waiting on sleepy head to open gifts.
When he woke up, we got a video of him coming down the stairs for the first time:
Now that is one cute present!!
Carter loved opening presents this year. Every year he understands more and more. This year he asked Santa for Legos and when he opened his Legos, he said, "He knew, Santa knew I wanted Legos...because I put them on my list." He was so excited as you can see in the video below. But my very favorite thing that was said this year, was towards the beginning when he saw all the presents left and his stocking loaded with stuff he sighed with relief, "I was almost a bad boy this year."
Dad and Carter playing with his Legos.
Our precious gifts that Carter made us at preschool.
Matt was feeling extra saucy this year I guess.
Merry Christmas Me! After present time, then brunch at our house and nap time, we headed over to Nielsen Srs for games, Wii, dinner and fun.
Hayden doing what Hayden loves most:
Whit got a foot massager from her man and Hayden enjoyed getting a little bottom massage. Her face is hilarious in this video:
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a fantastic New Year!
Carter's 2010 Christmas Preschool Program
So I know that they said no video, but I cheated. Their last song was so adorable and I could sneak a video on my camera without people knowing so I did:
Hayden was a good audience member and loved seeing all the kids moving and singing.
The little cradle I thought looked so precious up there all by itself before the program started.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy First Birthday Hayden!
Right before we started the Birthday festivities Hayden had a huge blowout so we decided to start the rest of the evening in the Birthday suit since she was going to end up that way for her cupcake anyways. It's kind of fun to document how big she truly is at her big age of One! In this picture she is saying, "who me?"
The video below is of her "opening" her presents and checking things out:
The video below is us singing Happy Birthday to Hayden:
At first Hayden just wanted to lick the frosting.
Then she started to get more daring.
Then she started ripping it apart and throwing pieces on the ground. She was so fun to watch we just kept laughing and laughing.
Then at the end, after all that new exploration, she was on a sugar crash and exhausted.
The rest of the evening we just hung out and played.